Mai Pen Rai: Jen's Adventures in Thailand


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Songkran Pictures!

So maybe now you can get some sort of idea of what Songkran is actually like. Here is me with my "Monkey on my Back" super-soaker. Notice just HOW wet the street is! We had guests at our house: Hilary's charming friend David who was a bluegrass meistro and our pal Arlo, an entymologist and all-around cool guy. We "played water" for about 6 hours on Saturday and it was blistering hot. Perfect Songkran weather. We were so tired that we ended up staying in that night so that we would have enough energy to make it out the next day. Sunday we played a little bit later and mostly hung out at David's house or near the new fountain which became more like a swimming pool.

Here are Becca and I doused in the crazy powder paste that people slather on you as you walk by. On Sunday, we decided to make our own fancy versions of this powder. We added food coloring and glitter to give it that extra special style. Unfortunately, the food color dyed our skin a bit so we looked kinda crazy. Sunday night, we hosted a party at our house. Hilary busted out this crazy liquor we bought in Issan called "Lao Hai." It was a ceramic bucket full of strange herbs and "alcohol powder." Just add water! It tasted terrible but Otto loved it as it reminded him of home and Hilary will eat or drink just about anything strange. Here's us with the Lao came with bamboo straws!

Lao Hai...Yuck

Issan Hotties

Hil and I sporting our lovely Issan sarongs.

And of course, me and Otto. I love his orange shirt.

Our First Songkran


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